

Cathedrals, Music & Arts, Mueseums

Commercial Solar System Design

Heritage places and buildings are more than just structures; they are tangible links to our past lives. These sites offer invaluable insights into architectural styles, construction techniques, and societal values of bygone eras.

Preserving and restoring these landmarks is crucial, as they become educational and inspirational sources for future generations.

Architectural engineering services from Illumine-i not only preserve but reinforce your heritage buildings for future use, keeping their original charm. By safeguarding these treasures, we ensure that the stories of our ancestors continue to inform and enrich the lives of those who come after us.

Bringing a Wealth of Experience in Restoring World Heritage

Combining modern innovation with traditional craftsmanship, we rejuvenate heritage sites through our tailored architectural engineering services. To name a few;

Architectural Modeling: Using BIM data, we create detailed 3-dimensional models of heritage sites for virtual reconstructions and historical preservation.

Scan to BIM: We capture precise 3D data of heritage sites via laser scanning, transforming it into accurate Building Information Modeling (BIM) for the faithful preservation of historical elements in detail.

Structural Assessment: Our team employs advanced, non-invasive engineering techniques to identify and repair age-related structural weaknesses in heritage buildings, retaining integrity to stand sturdy for years ahead.

3D Walkthrough/Flythrough: Experience immersive virtual tours of your heritage site with captivating 3D walkthroughs and flythroughs, facilitating early project visualization and a sense of excitement.

Cathedrals, museums, music and arts venues, cultural centers - across the spectrum, we uphold each project's heritage and ensure operational efficiency, sustainably.

Let's discuss your heritage project now.

Commercial Solar System Design

With Illumine-i, Redesign Your Properties with Confidence

Commercial Solar System Design

One wrong move – a misplaced stone, incorrect material, or an invasive rehab technique – ruins your site's authenticity, diminishing its cultural and historical value!

Don't risk your site’s legacy to chance. Partner with Illumine-i, and we will assure you of:

Integrity and Respect: We take time to thoroughly study how your heritage site was planned, built, and evolved from day one. That way, it lets us deliver custom architectural engineering services that respect your site's historical significance and integrity.

Thorough Process: With our specialists, you’re always in the loop with step-by-step documentation. Need to fix that mosaic floor? Our reports explain exactly what we'll do and how it goes – you're always part of the plan.

Peace of Mind: When our experts oversee the project, rest assured that all restoration activities align with technical conservation standards. This means your site stands aesthetically and structurally strong.

Secure your legacy with a balanced restoration approach from our architectural engineering services.

Begin restoring your collective heritage with us from this moment.