Asset Management

Monitor. Maintain. Maximize. Efficiently.

Asset Management

Commercial Solar System Design

What’s the biggest threat to a successful solar project? It’s not the technology; it’s mismanagement!
Solar systems promise clean energy and reduced energy costs, but neglecting its performance can turn that dream into a nightmare. Lack of solar system monitoring could suffer unexpected breakdowns, poor generation, and faster equipment degradation, leading to lost revenue, increased overheads and scrambling for repairs.

In that line, Illumine-i's Asset Management services help your solar assets run efficiently.

Daily Performance Monitoring
Continuous Monitoring is crucial for detecting and resolving issues before they affect performance. If not, then:

✦ Small issues can escalate into major disruptions.

✦ Undetected operational inefficiencies and equipment degradation can cause unexpected downtime and costly repairs.

Indeed, a lack of proactive oversight could undermine the reliability and lifespan of your solar PV system. Would you risk that?

That’s why you need the right analytical tools and expertise to stay on top of things. Our advanced analytical engine tracks energy generation, system efficiency, and equipment health, reducing interruptions and optimizing energy production.

With Illumine-i, you stay one step ahead of potential issues!

Preventive & Corrective Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Prevention is key.
Our comprehensive preventive maintenance plans for solar PV systems cover:

A. Routine inspections

B. Scheduled cleaning

C. Electrical tests

....ensuring proactive care to avoid costly breakdowns and project disruptions.

Illumine-i swiftly handles corrective maintenance to resolve malfunctions, system failures, and performance issues.

Our coordinated approach with technicians ensures timely diagnostics and repairs, keeping your solar project on track with minimal disruption, no matter what!

Commercial Solar System Design

Aerial Thermography and Vegetation Management

Commercial Solar System Design

Data Management and Reporting

Effective asset management hinges on keen data tracking. We maintain detailed records of performance metrics, maintenance logs, inspections, inventory, repairs, and replacements. This documentation supports system health analysis, regulatory compliance, and informs strategic decisions.

1. Reduced Compliance Stress
Our comprehensive records take the guesswork out of meeting regulations, so you don't have to scramble during audits or inspections.

2. Informed Decision-Making
With access to necessary data, your firm can make strategic choices about system upgrades, expansions, and solar asset management. Drone-based aerial thermography revolutionizes solar PV project management by swiftly identifying hot spots, defective panels, and hidden issues, facilitating prompt corrective actions.

Aerial Thermography and Vegetation Management
Drone-based aerial thermography revolutionizes solar PV project management by swiftly identifying hot spots, defective panels, and hidden issues, facilitating prompt corrective actions. This advanced technology eliminates guesswork, providing precise solutions to maintain peak system efficiency.

Plus, our technical specialists help introspect the vegetation around your plant. Overgrown trees & shrubs cause shading and impact performance, so we’ll recommend the best ways to manage them; be it trimming, removal, or other preventive steps.

You’re just a call away from enhancing your solar asset management capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does aerial thermography detect in a solar panel?

Aerial thermography detects temperature anomalies in solar panels, allowing you to identify defects like cell failure, short circuits, delamination, and similar issues. This technique helps locate problems quickly for prompt maintenance, supporting the reliability and safety of your solar power plant.

2. What is the purpose of vegetation distribution measurement in a solar power plant?

Vegetation distribution measurement evaluates plant growth around a solar power plant to pinpoint areas where excessive vegetation could hinder performance. This assessment guides necessary trimming or removal to prevent shading or damage to solar panels, ensuring optimal plant operation.

3. Why is critical spare parts identification important in a solar power plant?

Critical spare parts identification determines which parts are vital for keeping equipment running and minimizing downtime. This process uses historical data, manufacturer recommendations, and common failure points to ensure rapid response to equipment issues, thus improving the solar power plant's reliability and efficiency.

4. What are the major KPIs of a solar plant?

There are several critical KPIs used to gauge the performance of a solar plant. Key indicators include the energy performance index, specific yield, performance ratio, power performance index, and LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy), among others.

5. What affects the warranty of your equipment?

There are manufacturers who mandate to report an underperformance within 30 days of detection. Your system might look fine, but the unidentified issues might void your warranty and replacement can be costly.