Aviation, transportation & Infrastructure


Airports & Metros

Commercial Solar System Design

The global transportation landscape is exploding. Passenger demand is anticipated to surge by 3.8% annually (4 billion additional passengers) over the next two decades . This growth is propelled by urbanization, rising incomes, and unprecedented global travel accessibility.

But the question is: Are your current transportation systems ready for takeoff?

That is where architectural engineering takes the spotlight. Here, we go beyond aesthetics, to engineer spaces that are efficient, safe, and elevate your entire travel experience.

Remember that efficient and safe facilities, powered by good architectural engineering, not only reduce your operational costs but also contribute to a positive brand image and increase international revenue opportunities.

Designing Dream Destinations Before They're Built

We believe in leveraging architectural engineering to create a seamless and positive travel experience for everyone and here's how we achieve it;

MEP Clash Detection: Proactively identify and resolve piping and ductwork conflicts before construction begins, saving time and costs.

Structural Shop Drawings:Precision in detailing results in robust infrastructure capable of supporting heavy loads and ensuring the safety of bridges or ports.

VR Walkthroughs: Experience virtual simulations of high-speed rail expansions, port terminals, and infrastructure renovations to optimize passenger flow and enhance safety.

Improved transportation facilities supported by our services promise smoother travel experiences for passengers - boosting tourism, local economies, and GDP in return.

Commercial Solar System Design

Happy Travelers, Happy Business for You

Commercial Solar System Design

Understanding the nuances of your project requires expertise. At Illumine-i, we get it – all touchpoints of your travelers are answered: What are their demographics? What are their travel goals? What are their pain points? This way, we are giving you:

Smart Designs: By creating well-designed spaces, our engineering techniques minimize delays and frustrations, giving travelers satisfaction. This translates to a positive impact on your venue and aids in profitability.  

Market-centric Output: With demographic shifts and evolving vacation trends, tourism hotspots are rising. Thus, we factor in regional elements like increasing disposable incomes, local resort growth, and competing nearby infrastructure to engineer versatile hubs.

Optimized Routes: Our expertise in vehicle dynamics and safety features allows us to create optimal routes that put passenger comfort first. From proper stopping distances to accessibility considerations, we ensure a positive experience for all.

And the result? Happy travelers, drive loyalty and repeat business, ultimately boost your bottom line!

Designed for delight. Partner for success. Let's team up.